On Thursday, 19 June, secondary school students and adults who attend supply lessons of Slovenian received certificates of attendance to lessons and recognitions of Reader’s Badge of Slovenia.

As during marking the end of school year for children gusts to this event were Slovenian author Aksinja Kermauner and director of Library Anton Tomaž Linhart Radovljica Božena Kolman Finžgar. Aksinja Kermauner presented her work, while Božena Kolman Finžgar distributed awards on the occasion of the end of project “Library – Universe of Treasure”. Everyone was interested in what the author was saying as she wrote for children, youth and adults. 
The adults, despite their obligations, were regular at attending lessons, while one of students, Dragana Jerinić, did not miss a single lesson. Teacher Barbara Hanuš thanked to all attendees to lessons for diligent work, while Marija Petković thanked the teacher and guests on behalf of the Association of Slovenians Triglav. The evening finished by chatting along sandwiches and drinks as well as gibanica, traditional Slovenian dessert, which reminded us of nice time we had spent on excursion.

On the occasion of the end of school year a bulletin “To smo mi” was published. There are 52 pages describing what was happening in this school year. We can see that the year was full of interesting events. We are now looking forward to holidays and in autumn we again come back to Slovenian lessons.

Barbara Hanuš