Banja Luka, 12.6.2013

On the occasion of the end of the school year we were visited by Slovenian poet, writer and story-teller Anja Štefan.

Poems, riddles and fairy-tales by Anja Štefan accompanied us throughout the year. All children know her nursery rhyme, in December we learned the poems Miška vzela je s poličke and Tri škatle, whereas we learned the poem Krof when we spoke about masked carnivals. Students of Supply Teaching Lessons of Slovenian presented the poems and asked a few riddles. Anja Štefan collects fairy-tales from all over the world. She published them in several books one of them being Čudežni mlinček. Students from Slatina played puppetry game Petelinček in čudežni mlinček. Children presented us part of Anja Štefan’s work, while she herself stated a bit more about it. She started with the cover poem from her collection of poems Iščemo hišico. we learned how long it took for the collection to be finished and what were the illustrations made by Ančka Gošnik Godec for the poem Iščemo hišico. The poems were followed by fairy-tales including the one about king Matjaž and a tense fairy-tale Zakleti grad, while she also shared some riddles with us. Children and their parents were very interested in what the author spoke about whereas no one had any problems understanding the text.

Following the fairy-tales, poems and riddles time came to distribute certificates of attendance for the supply teaching lessons of Slovenian. Indeed, all students deserved commendations as they were very diligent throughout the year attending the lessons and taking part at different activities of the lessons. Each student received his copy of Cicidoj, where the poem by Anja Štefan “Kravica mi je ušla” was published, as well as the bulletin “To smo mi”. Bulletin was published on the occasion of the end of the school year and contains numerous activities occurring throughout the year. Students who almost never missed a lesson received a CD with fairy-tales Za devetimi gorami, while students from Slatina, who were diligent throughout the year reading the literature received commendations Bralna značka Slovenije and a book award. We made an agreement that children would continue reading during summer as we joined the programme of City Library of Ljubljana “Poletavci” – summer readers. Summer will also be time to rest and play so we wished everyone pleasant holidays.