Official name:............Republic of Slovenia
Political system: ...........parliamentary republic
Area: .............20,273 km2
Forest: ...........10,124 km2
Vineyards: ..........216 km2
Length of border with Austria: .........318 km
Length of border with Italy:............232 km
Length of border with Hungary:.........102 km
Length of border with Croatia: ..........670 km
Length of coast:...........46.6 km
Capital: ............Ljubljana
Population: .............. 1,964.036 (2002)

Ethnic origin of population: ............Slovene(83.06%), Italian(0.11%), Hungarian
(0.32%), Others (16.51%)
Language: ..........Slovene
Religion: .............Christian (60%)
Climate: .............Alpine, Continental, Mediterranean
Time zone: .........Central European Time GMT+1
Average temperatures July: .........21°C  January: -2°C
Political system: ...........multiparty parliamentary democracy
Currency: ............Euro
Education: ............Universities in Ljubljana, Maribor, Koper and Nova Gorica
Culture: ............38 professional and numerous amateur theatres, 2 operas, 45 permanent galleries, 121 museums, 19 professional orchestras and a symphony orchestra

